Home-Start Dundee is a local charity which was established in
1985. We are affiliated to the national organisation,
Home-Start UK, but are independent and autonomous
and responsible for our own management and funding.
Home-Start UK provides advice and support together with a
stringent Quality Assurance review process to ensure the
scheme operates effectively.
The charity is run by a board of Trustees who are responsible for
the overall management and direction of the scheme, whilst the
Scheme Manager is responsible for the daily management.
We recruit and train volunteers to help families with young children deal with the challenges they face. We support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.
Families struggling with post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems, bereavement and many other issues receive the support of a volunteer who will spend around two hours a week in a family’s home supporting them in the ways they need.
We offer families choice; we work in partnership – with each other, with families and with other agencies; we work in a spirit of openness, encouragement and enjoyment and we are flexible and responsive to the needs of families
Whilst home-visiting is our core support we also support families in groups, hold day trips and Christmas parties and help access local services, as well as lots of other support.
Why it matters
The five years between birth and school are vital for a child’s development. What goes on inside a family strongly determines the opportunities and life chances children have.
Children who are raised in a stable, loving, family environment are more likely to have a positive and healthy future.
Home-Start works because our volunteers are mainly parents and understand how hard it can be. They work alongside parents, in their own homes, to help them cope with the stresses and strains of life and make sure they have the skills, confidence and strength they need to nurture their children.

About Us