What is Home-Start Dundee?
Home-Start is a voluntary charity organisation committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under five years of age. Volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to young families under stress in their own homes helping to prevent family crisis.
The Standards and Methods of Practice of Home-Start Schemes state:
Home Start Schemes work towards the increased confidence and independence of the family by:
Offering support, friendship and practical assistance
Visiting families in their own homes, where the dignity and identity of each individual can be respected and protected
Reassuring parents that difficulties in bringing up children are not unusual and encouraging enjoyment in family life
Developing a relationship with the family in which time can be shared and understanding can be developed; the approach is flexible to take account of different needs
Encouraging the parents’ strengths and emotional well-being for the ultimate benefit of their own children
Encouraging families to widen their network of relationships and to use effectively the support and services available within the community.
Structure of Home-Start Schemes
The first Home-Start scheme opened in Leicester in 1973. There are now over 300 Home-Start schemes in the UK. Each is an independent charity which adopts the Home-Start Constitution and Standards and Methods of Practice.
All Home-Start schemes:
Are managed by a multi-disciplinary Board of Directors
Are locally funded
Employ a Co-ordinator
Recruit, train, support and supervise volunteers
Receive training, information and guidance from Home-Start UK.